Archive for Category: Blog

Creating a Safe and Stimulating Environment for Your Australian Labradoodle and Australian Cobberdog

As breeders of the exquisite Australian Cobberdogs, a breed so similar to the Australian Labradoodle, we understand the importance of providing a nurturing environment for these intelligent and loving dogs. This article will guide you through the essentials of Australian Labradoodle care, emphasizing the unique needs of Australian Cobberdogs....

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How to Groom an Australian Cobberdog

Australian Labradoodles and Australian Cobberdogs are very similar breeds in many ways. One of their similarities is how gorgeous their coats are. Whether they have a silky wavy or straight fleece coat, or in some cases a curly /wavy combo, their coats are stunning and thankfully low-maintenance. Both breeds...

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About the Australian Cobberdog

  The Australian Cobberdog was originally bred after the Breed Founder decided that the Australian Labradoodle had certain early deficiencies and her wish was to make certain corrections and an additional infusion of the Champion Irish soft coated wheaten was the ideal addition to make certain changes for the...

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Honey's Havana

Understanding Cobberdog Coats

Australian Cobberdogs are a standout breed. Some people are drawn to Australian Cobberdogs for their positive personality traits. Others love Australian Cobberdogs for their undeniable intelligence. In general, Australian Cobberdogs display an impressive sense of intuition. Similarly, their gentle nature makes them particularly great additions for families with children....

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Your new Puppy checklist DOs and DONTs:

There are many things you need to know to prepare to bring your new pet home. Whether it is puppy supplies, food, training tips, socialization, yes there are quite a few areas to cover. This is not an exhaustive list but it does contain most things you need to...

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Hopper held up

History of the Cobberdog

“Cobber” is an Australian and New Zealand term for “mate” or “friend.” It makes sense, then, that Australian Cobberdogs are phenomenal companions and excellent therapy and assistance dogs.  Australian Cobberdogs have come to be a much-loved breed in households across the world. These mild-mannered and rather gentle canines are...

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Hopper held up

Grooming Your Cobberdog Puppy

In addition to a calm, friendly disposition and a hypoallergenic coat, many pet parents are naturally attracted to Australian Cobberdog puppies because of their soft, wavy or curly fleece coats. As with any long-haired breed, however, grooming is particularly important.  Owners need to remain vigilant to avoid a dirty,...

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